Top 10 Web Design Companies in Anaheim, CA

Discover the leading web design companies that are shaping the digital presence of businesses in the city. From innovative designs to user-friendly interfaces, dive into the world of creative web solutions that elevate online experiences. Explore the vibrant web design landscape in Anaheim with our latest blog – Top 10 Web Design Companies in Anaheim

Animatable CSS Properties List: Everyone Should Know

Do you want to design and develop a fantastic unique animated web page? This blog is valuable for you. 

Animated elements are elements whose CSS property values change over time. Therefore, CSS animatable properties can take on different values gradually, like size, number, color, or percentage.

Read this blog to understand Animatable CSS properties and grab some live URLs of commonly used properties list of Animatable CSS. Let’s get started. 

Understanding Animatable CSS Properties

CSS animations or CSS transitions can be used to animate animatable CSS properties. It can be animated and have its values change over time. 

Benefits of Using Animatable CSS Properties

For designing your website CSS is a very robust and valuable tool. You can build so many animated transitions on your web pages to enhance your UX/UI. Here is the list of the top 10 advantages of using Animated CSS properties:

#1: Embrace Creativity

With the help of animating CSS properties, you can add creativity and develop innovative projects. Some of the most engaging designs across the web rely on animatable CSS, which is constantly growing to accommodate new standards.

#2: Improves User Experience

Animations could make an internet site or utility greater attractive and visually appealing. Animating CSS properties can bring elements to life, providing smooth transitions and interactive effects that capture users’ attention and create a memorable experience.

#3: Build an Interactive Website Design

Animatable CSS properties allow developers to create interactive elements that respond to user actions. For example, you can animate properties like opacity, scale, or position to provide visual feedback when a user hovers over a button or clicks on an element.

#4: Grab Attention 

In this competitive world, grabbing your audience’s attention is a hard nut to crack. But with the help of Animations, you can draw attention to specific elements on a webpage. By animating important content or key features, you can guide users’ focus and highlight essential information, resulting in a better overall user experience.

#5: Responsive Design

Animatable CSS properties can be used to create responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes and devices. You can ensure that elements adjust and transition smoothly by animating properties like width, height, or position, providing a consistent experience across various devices.

These are some major benefits of using CSS properties in your web design. Nowadays, people love to get involved with the website rather than just explore the web pages. Now, let’s explore some commonly used Animatable CSS properties.

Commonly Used Animatable CSS Properties 

Creating Animatable CSS properties is a tough task for a newbie. So, here we put some commonly used animatable CSS properties list and their demo for you. 

#1: Opacity

Opacity helps you in changing the transparency of an element.

Opacity Animatable CSS Property Demo:

#2: Transform

Allows various transformations such as scaling, rotating, skewing, and translating an element.

Transform Animatable CSS Property Demo:

#3: Color

Animates the color of an element, including text color and background color.

Color Animatable CSS Property Demo:

#4: Width and Height

Animates the width and height of an element.

Width Animatable CSS Property Demo:

Height Animatable CSS Property Demo:

#5: Margin and Padding

Animates the spacing around an element.

Margin Animatable CSS Property Demo:

Padding Animatable CSS Property Demo:

#6: Font-size

Animates the size of the font.

Font-size Animatable CSS Property Demo:

#7: Border

Animates the properties of borders, such as width, color, and style.

Border Animatable CSS Property Demo:

#8: Background-color

Animates the background color of an element.

Background-color Animatable CSS Property Demo:

#9: Box-shadow

Animates the shadow effect around an element.

Box-shadow Animatable CSS Property Demo:

#10: Text-decoration

Animates the text decoration properties, such as underline, overline, and line-through.

Text-decoration Animatable CSS Property Demo:

#11: Transition

Defines the transition effect when a property changes over time.

Transition Animatable CSS Property Demo:

#12: Animation

Specifies the keyframes-based animations for an element.

Animation Animatable CSS Property Demo:

#13: Filter

Applies visual effects, such as blur, brightness, contrast, and grayscale.

Filter Animatable CSS Property Demo:

#14: Clip-path

Animates the clipping path of an element, allowing you to create various shapes and masks.

Clip-path Animatable CSS Property Demo:

These properties provide a wide range of options for creating interactive and dynamic animations on web pages.

Best Practices for Using Animatable CSS Properties

#1: Transforming an Element on Hover

When animating elements on hover, it’s best to use CSS transforms for smooth and performant animations. Instead of directly animating properties like width or height, use transform: translate, scale, rotate, or other transform functions to modify the appearance of the element. This approach usually leads to better performance because transforms are often hardware accelerated by the browser.


.element {

  transition: transform 0.3s ease;


.element: hover {

  transform: scale(1.2);


#2: Declaring Multiple Keyframes With One Declaration:

CSS keyframes allow you to define the intermediate stages of an animation. To declare multiple keyframes in a single declaration, use a comma-separated list of percentage values and their corresponding animation properties.


@keyframes slide-in {

  0%, 80% { opacity: 0; }

  100% { opacity: 1; transform: translateX(0); }


#3: Using @property to Animate Custom Properties:

CSS @property rule allows you to define custom properties that can be animated. It’s useful when you want to animate non-standard properties or values that aren’t natively animated.


@property –custom-opacity {

  syntax: ‘<number>’;

  initial-value: 1;

  inherits: false;


@keyframes fade-out {

  from { –custom-opacity: 1; }

  to { –custom-opacity: 0; }


.element {

  animation: fade-out 1s forwards;

  –custom-opacity: 1;

  opacity: var(–custom-opacity);


#4: Using Negative Animation Delays:

Negative animation delays are handy when you want to start an animation immediately but delay its reset or reversal. By using negative values for the animation-delay property, you can create interesting effects.


.element {

  animation: slide-in 1s forwards;

  animation-delay: -1s;


#5: Use prefers-reduced-motion to Enable Preferences:

The prefers-reduced-motion media query allows you to respect the user’s preference for reduced motion. By checking this media query, you can adjust or disable certain animations to accommodate users who may experience discomfort or other issues with excessive motion.


@keyframes pulse {

  0% { transform: scale(1); }

  50% { transform: scale(1.2); }

  100% { transform: scale(1); }


.element {

  animation: pulse 1s infinite;


@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {

  .element {

    animation: none;



By following these best practices, you can create engaging and performant animations using CSS. Remember to consider accessibility and user preferences to ensure a positive user experience.


An animatable CSS property can be animated using CSS animations or CSS transitions. When a CSS property can be animated, its value changes over time. So if you want to learn more about CSS and web designing, follow TopCSSGallery. It is the best place to find web design inspiration as well as the latest CSS web design trends from the world’s experienced web designers and developers.


Can I animate any CSS property?

No, not every CSS property is animatable. The properties that can be animated using CSS transitions or animations are known as animatable properties. Examples of animatable properties include opacity, width, height, color, font size, transform, and many more. You can refer to the official documentation or browser compatibility tables to see which properties are animatable.

Are there any performance considerations when using animatable CSS properties?

Yes, there are performance considerations when using animatable CSS properties. Animations can be resource-intensive and impact the performance of your web page or application. Here are a few tips to consider for better performance:

  • Avoid animating properties that trigger layout changes, such as top, left, width, height, etc., as they can cause expensive layout recalculations.
  • Use hardware-accelerated properties for smoother animations.
  • Minimize the number of animations running simultaneously to reduce the load on the browser.
  • Use efficient easing functions and avoid excessive keyframes to keep animations smooth.

Can I use animatable CSS properties in older browsers?

The availability of animatable CSS properties in older browsers depends on the specific property and the browser version. Some modern properties may not be fully supported in older browsers. However, many widely supported animatable properties, such as opacity and color, can be used across a range of browsers, including older versions. It’s always a good practice to check the compatibility of the specific property and the target browser versions using or MDN web docs.

Are there any accessibility considerations when using animations?

Yes, there are accessibility considerations when using animations. Here are a few key points to keep in mind:

  • Ensure that the content remains accessible and understandable when animations are disabled or unsupported. For example, provide alternative text for animated images or use descriptive labels for interactive elements.
  • Avoid using animations that may cause seizures or distract users with sensory sensitivities. Consider providing options to disable or control animations.
  • Provide sufficient timing and feedback for interactive elements, so users have enough time to perceive and respond to animations.
  • Test your animations with assistive technologies, such as screen readers, to ensure they are adequately conveyed to users who rely on such tools.

How can I optimize the performance of animations on mobile devices?

To optimize the performance of animations on mobile devices, consider the following tips:

  • Use hardware-accelerated properties like transform and opacity for smoother animations, as they can benefit from hardware acceleration on mobile devices.
  • Minimize the use of complex animations or excessive keyframes to reduce the workload on the device’s GPU.
  • Utilize CSS will-change property to inform the browser in advance about elements that will be animated, helping it optimize rendering and compositing.
  • Consider using libraries or frameworks specifically designed for efficient mobile animations, such as GreenSock (GSAP) or Framer Motion, which provide optimized animation techniques.
  • Test your animations on various mobile devices and use performance profiling tools to identify any performance bottlenecks or jankiness and make necessary adjustments.
  • Remember, optimizing animations for mobile devices requires a balance between visual appeal and performance, so it’s important to test and iterate to find the right balance for your specific use case.

Top 10 Web Design Companies in Sacramento, CA, USA

Discover the leading web design companies shaping Sacramento’s digital landscape! In our latest blog, we delve into the dynamic world of web design, highlighting the top players driving innovation and creativity in this vibrant Californian city.

Explore their exceptional portfolios, groundbreaking strategies, and client-centric approaches that set them apart. Whether you’re a local business seeking a stellar online presence or an enthusiast interested in cutting-edge designs, this blog sheds light on Sacramento’s web design prowess. Join us to uncover how these companies are revolutionizing user experiences and making a mark in the ever-evolving digital sphere. Read more – Top 10 Web Design Companies in Sacramento